Monday 8 October 2012

DD3992 - Games Honours Project Plan Draft

Project Plan

For my honours project I am going to focus on expanding my skillset in Game Design and Level Design. I have decided to create a playable game set to music. The project will be made using the Unreal Editor package (UDK) which will be my primary focus across the module. The game will be rhythm based requiring the player to react to the music in order to progress/score well, this adds the illusion that the game is being powered by the music itself. Because I am focussing on design I will be outsourcing the music of the game, also preventing me from indulging in the music production and neglecting the design. This project will tremendously help further my skills. As I have never undertaken anything this advanced in UDK before I will begin prototyping the level earlier than I usually would, so that I can face any obstacles as early as possible. Breaking the song down to a quantifiable level, beat by beat on paper will be essential to matching the game to the rhythm of the song.

Aims for the Project

·         Learn how to use UDK well to further my future career in the games industry
·         Develop my skills working with music games, something I wish to pursue
·         Create 1 working, polished level in UDK
·         Create a game that fits and flows to the music
·         Appropriately source the music that provides the backbone of the game
·         Create a level I can showcase at the end of year exhibition and ultimately for my portfolio

Intended Actions

·         Research:
o   Look into different music games and how they incorporate sound
§  Look at mechanics
§  Visuals
§  Presence of traditional elements like narrative
§  The styles of music and how that affects the style of game
o   Find appropriate tutorials for UDK and any techniques I am not familiar with that I will be using.
·         Key Decisions:
o   Decide how the game will be played
o   Decide upon audio style of the game
o   Decide upon the visual style of the game
·         Blog creation:
o   Keep a blog documenting progress, research, references, thoughts and analysis

·         Music:
o   Deconstruct the song into loops and sounds so that it can be implemented easily in-game
o   Create a timeline of the song (1 pixel = 1 beat) to go alongside the paper plan of the level, in order to accurately plan where to put the beats to hit.
·         Prototypes:
o   Create simple prototypes on paper and UDK from the start
o   Develop a UDK prototype and build up to the final product
·         Final Product:
o   Create a finished, polished level


The files will be presented digitally on disc and the game will also be produced to be shown at the end of year exhibition.
·         A polished playable level
·         The game presented appropriately for exhibition
·         My progress blog

Assignment 1 Hand-in – Project Plan
Begin simple prototypes in UDK and on paper
Start deconstructing chosen song for implementation within UDK
Continue deconstructing song and prototyping
Finish song deconstruction – make 2D plan of the song to aide level design
Make simple 20-30 second gameplay slice implementing the song elements
Design the level plan in Photoshop matching to the 2D music plan
Finalise level plan begin implementation to UDK
Experiment with UDK texture/light effects
Continue implementation of level to UDK
Finish UDK level design and complete anything for Christmas holidays
Integrate 2D music plan into the 3D level design in UDK
Integrate 2D music plan into the 3D level design in UDK
Integrate 2D music plan into the 3D level design in UDK
Finish integrating 2D music plan into the 3D level design in UDK
Replace character placeholder with simple character
Once audio/gameplay is polished begin working on aesthetics using the light and texture tricks I identified along the way
Continue working on aesthetics and lighting
Continue working on aesthetics and lighting
Implement any matinee’s, camera movements etc
Finish aesthetics of the level
Add special after-effects or post processing to improve the quality look of the game.
Finish the level – package if possible
Start work on banners (or other way of presenting the level for exhibition)
Finish the presentation of the level
Assignment 2,3,4 Hand-in – Blog, Portfolio, Digital File for banner