Saturday 24 November 2012

XB3001 - UN Peacekeaper Medic Concepting/Research

UN Peace Force Combat Medic


In order to be under the protection of the Geneva Convention a medic must be unarmed and wear large clear identifying insignia (ie red cross). However in asymmetrical warfare (such as the siege of Sarajevo) medics are armed and do not need large insignia. Rifles are normal and sidearms common as they are single handed so medics can multi task. As they are often targeted for being a medic if obvious. The Geneva Convention does say that medics can use weapons to defend themselves or patients

Blue UN Military Helmet – Generic WW2 helmet style. UN in white lettering - with Red Cross cross. Potentially on a white square or circle. Blue helmets seem to re-painted helmets, darker paint showing through, damage varies from helmets all are damaged in some respect. Green/brown/grey/black straps and chin piece. Dark blue rim.
(Vehicular (tanks) troops seem to have berets and caps)

Large 80’s style spectacles – could be used to date the character

·         Green short-sleeve (long sleeve in winter) shirt and trousers (sometimes woodland camo, or a combination of both. UN logo on right sleeve, National flag (Union Jack) on left, potential medical patch or royal patch too.
·         Woodland camouflage vest (bullet proof) – high shoulders (almost like american football), high collar protecting his neck. Built up sections in centre on front and back for Kevlar inserts. Pouch style pockets for ammunition.
·         Red Cross Armband or clothing patch? Although Sarajevo would exempt the medic from having this due to it being asymmetrical warfare

Boots – Black leather lace-up army boots, high tops. Sometimes brown timberland style boots.

Aid backpack – Medical supplies
Dual strapped rucksack


IF armed: Pistol side-arm – holstered – Browning L9A1 pistol British standard issue since WW2