List of Types of games that are sustainable or have sustainable elements:
Game advertising - Burnout Paradise
editor - Mods and user generated content - Little Big Planet
games design - Audiosurf
sequels - Shank 2
quick movie tie-ins - Bourne Game
DLC/Micro Transactions - Farmville
Ported versions of the game - Fifa
Never ending games - The Sims
Sandbox games - Grand Theft Auto
MMORPGs/Games with persistent worlds - World of Warcraft
Merchandise tie ins - Skylander
User to user
- Draw something/words with friends
High replay-ability – competitive play with
humans - Call of Duty/League of Legends
Achievements, unlock-able, trophies,
collectables - Batman Arkham City
Simulation games – no rewards other than
personal satisfaction - Football Manager
Indie games –cheap production with potential for
HUUUUGE profits - Angry Birds
Rereleasing, HD-ifying old games - Resident Evil 4 HD
Games with multiple story paths or arcs – Heavy Rain
Franchises/IPs taking advantage of user interest - BARBIE
Championship game tournaments – people watch the
shows, makes them want to play the game, people practice to get better to enter
the tournaments - Starcraft