Friday 28 September 2012

DD3000 - Choosing a Future Event to Focus my Report on

For DD3000 - Contextual Studies: Design Futures I have to choose an event or significant anniversary within the next five years to then research the event and then implement my findings to Video Games Design.

Here is my shortlist of events to use:

2012-2014 - The Hobbit Trilogy released in cinemas.

2013 - The Great Gatsby film is released.

2013 - Robocop movie reboot is released

2014 - The completion of the Freedom Tower and other World Trade Center buildings.

2014 - The International Space Station is finished.

2015 - Tigers become extinct in the wild.

2015 - The UN's Millennium Development Goal to "eradicate extreme poverty" expires.

2015 - Dubai's city of Masdar is completed, the worlds first sustainable, zero carbon, zero waste city.

2015 - The US - South Korean Combined Forces Command active since the 1950's ends.

2015 - Queen Elizabeth II becomes the longest reigning monarch of all time.

2015 - Scientists complete the Wooly Mammoth DNA reconstruction and clone one.